Después de 5 años de inactividad, revivo este blog para poder hacer algo que me gusta mucho y que casi había olvidado me gustaba tanto hacer, escribir sobre música. Pensé en comenzar de cero, pero aquí el legado y espero evolución de mis primeros 5 años como Blogger de música.
Third Stone from the Sun; A Guide to Music from the World: Honduras
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I decided to make a little list about Honduran music. For proper viewing you'll need to visit this page click here. Feel free to join our community.
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Hey Feliz 2009 para todos. Este año promete grandes cosas y ojala mi blog siga creciendo. Me he ausento por vacaciones de las cuales les hablare en los proximos dias, aparte he quedado en decuda con las mejores canciones de 2008 y lo que se viene para este año. Por ahora los dejare con este post que hice en la pagina jamsbio, un cuento inspirado o mas bien, adaptado de la cancion "for no one" de los Beatles y su album Revolver. If life is a mysterious code hard to break, than love must be impossible. From ages and ages, men have managed to overcome massive primitive beasts, bone-chilling ice-ages and war and diseases. But somehow, women are still our greatest weakness. One day, they are hugging each other, making plans on their future lives and telling each other how much they love and will ever do their significnat other. Everything smells and tastes good, but suddenly, evening arrives and the young couple is left with no other choice than to head home, lock up in their bedr...
Here I just share with you a nonsense short story inspired by the album Une éclipse totale de soleil, by french artist Ghédalia Tazartès: I can't really remember why I had always wanted to come to Morocco. Actually I do, I just thought ignorance would definetely do a better starting line. Starting lines are quite important, manage to miss with your opening statement, and your reader would already be looking for reasons to call your story boring, or a cure for insomnia. But insomnia has nothing to do with my reasons for me coming to this country, nor does any classic film with Humprhey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. It actually all goes back to my last visit to the United States, when I tried to visit all that Epcot Center had to offer, and out of what I was able to see, the Moroccan representation was the one which left a bigger impact on me. The music, the architecture, and specially that funny hat just seemed to call me. Anyways, when I finally got to Europe, I realized I was quite c...
I often complain how many war movies are out there. Many of them have not manage to be kept in memory, nad the ones that have, are mainly about Vietnam. Full Metal Jacket, Apocalypse Now and Platoon are all set in Vietnam, so this was the first time I was going to watch a movie set on WWII. Flags of Our Fathers is Clint Eastwood's view of this war, and the special episode of the island of Iwo Jima, from the point of view of American Soldiers. Soldiers who had to live their lives behind in order to fight for their country. "Heroes are the ones who died there", say the returned soldiers from the picture of the movie poster, picture which has been taken by the government in order to financiate the war. This movie does not only bring us the suffering and things soldiers have to deal with when they find themselves away from home, but also that what happens when they returned, is not always the way they had imagined it to be. Great movie, and a good reccommendation if this is i...