Meat is Murder

As you might or might not have read on my Valentine's Day post, there I referred about the 20 years of The Smiths' second album "Meat is Murder". Over the last three years The Smiths have consolidated as one of my favorite bands, the third the last time I ranked them. Of the four studio albums The Smiths released on their career, this is the only one I haven't heard before; the three others I love, specially their follow up to this "The Queen is Dead". But although this is unknown to me, from this album comes what I believe is to be The Smiths most known track, and one of their finest moments, "How Soon is Now?", which has been covered numerous times over the years, one by Russian duo T.A.T.U.
Meat is Murder was the only Smiths album to reach number one on the UK charts, where it remained for 13 weeks. It also gave its name to the last track on the album, a vegeratian anti-meat anthem, written by Morrissey and Mick Mars (both vegetarians) which will make your stomach crunch umcomfortably with lines like:
"Kitchen aromas aren't very homely
It's not "comforting", cheery or kind
It's sizzling blood and the unholy stench

Hmmm, the smell of murder for lunch
Last week we had a t school some potatoes cut in stripes with ham, that I love. They are supposed to give me food for the whole weekend, and since they had made so much of this peruna(potato) thing, than they gave a big pile for me and my flatmate. However this dude has got some stupid thought on his mind that he is not eating meat anymore, and he hasn't done it for a month or smt now, so I had to eat the whole food myself. After been having the same food for days, I went to the kitchen on Monday to see what they had prepared. Guess what?

Yes!! Indeed!
Since the, I've had 3 days now only eating vegetables, and although the factors are multiple: awful repetitive food, some bad temper I'd been having lately, I believe The Smiths song had also something to do with my change in diet. I tell myself it is mainly an experiment, but I actually believe I can live without meat, so let's see how much this last. I invite you to join me, and you will see the advantages in your mood and physical state, plus, "a death without a reason, is MURDER".
The Smiths - Meat is Murder