The Best Albums of All-Time Part 5

21. Pixies - Doollittle

This one I like because it is the only album I have bought through the internet. Of course there's a lot more to it, specially if you think why I HAD to posses it. Simply Pixies is pop rock at its best. Bass lines are probably the best, but Frank Black is great and that "loud quiet loud" thing has been very important. Plus it was ripped off to make Smells Like Teen Spirit.

22. The Beatles - Rubber Soul

What? Yet another Beatles album? Don't blame, blame the Beatles for making so great music. This here, is their first top class album, still keeping a little or their old poppy sound, but mixing it with the experimentation which would rule their later releases. Plus the track chosen is just beautiful, try hearing the Johnny Cash cover.

23. Nick Drake - Pink Moon

Nick Drake is one of those artists I feel ashamed for people who don't know him, specially because those might be many. Nick, as many others before and after, suffered from a premature death, not withot leaving us with three majestic works of art, of which, this is the finest. Too bad its so brief. . .

24. Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures

My brother is quite a fan of this band, which have probably made the definition of what we know as post-punk. Dark, bass rich and with a prominent drum. Although I respect the only two albums Joy Division made before Ian Curtis (leadsinger), yet again, premature death, because they just seem too dark and moody. This one here is the most accessible of the two, but its not being fair, to play this only once. It definetely needs repeated listens.

25. The Clash - London Calling

Before London Calling and after The Wall, Siamese Dream, Electric Ladyland, I didn't know a double album could manage to be diverse, and entertaining through its whole running time. Plus it just bursts open the frontiers of punk. One of my favorites.


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