From the Grave. Two Long Gone Artists Release NEW Albums

Just some days ago, it took me by surprise, the fact that two new records with original songs by late artists Jimi Hendrix & Johnny Cash will be released. Yep, that's true, 40 years after the first's death and 7 after country king's one, their labels will release completely unheard material.

In Jimi's case, it is some lost album which documents his transition from playing with "The Experience", Mitch Mitcheel and Noel Redding, to his later solo career. Valleys of Neptune comes out on March 9th, and has a lot to prove, since Hendrix jsut released three albums during his lifetime, all of them considered classics (Are You Experienced?, Electric Ladyland, and Axis: Bold as Love). The title track of the album has also being released as a single, with a video which contains one of Jimi's unknown talents; painting.

Jimi Hendrix - Valleys of Neptune

On the other side, we have Johnny Cash's second posthumous release and the sixth on the American series sessions, recorded with Rick Rubin, and which brought him critical and commercial acclaim back in 1994, as well as opening his music for the younger audiences. The first American Recordings won Cash a Grammy, and from these albums we have heard outstanding and I would even say, heartbreaking performances like his cover of NIN's "Hurt", or The Beatles' "In My Life". It is to expect that this being the second release from one session, you are not to expect much, though the British newspaper The Indepent's review said in comparison to the other American Recordings, that it "comes so close to those heights [that it] is cause for rejoicing".

Johnny Cash - Ain't No Grave


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