Rolling Stone 500 Greatest Albums of All Time Revisited: Pet Sounds

The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds: 40th Anniversary

No crean que deje la iniciativa de los 500 albums atras, lo que pasa es que si me cuesta escribirlas, las escribo en un cuaderno y me da todavia mas pereza transcribirlas. Asi que aqui les va el album numero dos y esperen otro hoy mas tarde o mañana.

I believe that if it weren't for the Beach Boys, we might have never had artists releasing albums as a whole, as a "concept", and just albums without substance, looking to inlcude the next top single. In fact, the Beach Boys were a band known for topping the charts with songs like Surfin' USA or California Girls.

Pet Sounds features a notable maturity, not only in songwritting, leaving behind surfing and the beach, but also musical maturity and experimentation. No band, at least a reknown one, had dared to do what the Beach Boys did. Creating complex musical arrangements, which included animal samping, and multiple layers of sound.

Lyrically, most of the songs talk about love, "Wouldn't it be nice to live together", "What matters to me is the love of just one girl", or "God Only Knows what I be without you". These are great examples of well written love songs to which anyone can relate to.

We might as well attribute Pet Sounds to Brian Wilson alone, since while the other Beach Boys were touring, Brian stayed and created most of this album. Brian was so inspired that he was bound to create what might have been a masterpiece of modern music, SMiLE. unfortunately this album never came out until 40 years later as a solo effort and at a time when it was no longer considered groundbreaking.

As a conlclusion, I must say Pet Sounds is an album that must definitely be heard, if you still haven't. Don't be deceived by their earlier work and the first listen, since Pet Sounds has a well deserved high place among the greatest albums of all time.


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