Movie Review - Trainspotting

Whenever we meet someone new, or want to have a conversation with someone we don’t know that much, we constantly rely on hobbies. People ask questions like “What do you do on your free time?” or “What is your favorite song?”. But the toughest question to ask somebody is what their favorite movie is. A non-regular movie-goer might not have a bad time answering. A girl might go for The Notebook or Titanic, while a male might chose Lord of the Rings, Star Wars or any action flick. I personally have trouble deciding among Clockwork Orange or Pulp Fiction, but my favorite movie of all time must be Trainspotting.
Trainspotting is a Scottish movie, based on a book by the same name and starting Ewan McGregor as Renton. Although he is the movie’s main focus, we meet other characters who enrich the cinematic experience. Sickboy, Spud, Swanney, Tommy, Diane, and Begby. Most of these guys with a little problem, they’re heroin addicts. Some try to quit and others join in the process.
The movie clearly portrays all the risks and disadvantages of being involved in this world and the negative things it eventually leads to, but, at the same time, the characters never deny the satisfaction that this vice gives to them. “Take the best orgasm you've ever had... multiply it by a thousand, and you're still nowhere near it”, Renton narrates at some point in the movie.
The real reason why this is my favorite movie is simply because your average friend can watch it and know for certain that he has seen an excellent movie. He will not be confused by Pulp Fiction, or distressed by A Clockwork Orange. Certainly it is a movie you should see if you still haven’t. It gets you glued to your sit until the fabulous ending.
The soundtrack is also a highlight, featuring songs froms artists such as Blur, Brian Eno, Pulp, Iggy Pop, Lou Reed and of course Underworld, with its memorable song, Born Slippy, all placed in perfect timing with the movie’s screening.
So next time you go to your video rental, “Choose Life”, choose Trainspotting.


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