Adios Strato

Recuerdo tiempo atras en 6to grado, cuando tuve que hacer un poema sobre la tierra, no haciendome mucho problema recorde la "Paradise", de una banda que me habia sorprendido pro su velocidad y aguda voz. Esta banda contenia temas poderosos, dodne se daba a entender todo el poder de una guitarra electrica y que sus temas liricos llenaban mi adolesciente imaginacion.
Pues resulta que ya cuando entre en una etapa musical mas critica, me di cuenta que no era nada fuera de lo normal, es mas, hay muy poco Power Metal decente. Todo se dice en una quote de el ex-integrante de Helloween Michael Kiske "Desde cuando el power metal es sobre delfines?!".
Pues resulta que para los que si son fans, hay una mala noticia, la banda se ha desintegrado. Despues de rumores, el lider de la banda Timo Tolkki ha publicado en su pagina una carta hacia sus fans. A continuacion esta el escrito:

"Dear Stratovarius Fans,

"It is time to stop the silence and announce what some of you have already been speculating. Stratovarius is no more.

"Last October I told the guys that I am stopping the band and told them the reasons why. This letter is addressed to you, Stratovarius fans, who have supported the band for so many years. I first thought that I would write just a very generelized, typical music business statement that basically never says anything. Then I decided that you deserve to hear at least parts of the truth what has been going on Behind the scenes so you will be able to understand my decision better.

"All the time, since TK and Jörg joined the band, there have been tensions and negativity flying around. This has been concentrating on me, TK and Jörg. The reasons Jari Kainulainen was fired some years back were so absurd that I am not even try to explain them here. If I write a book one day, maybe then. Anyways, I think the seeds were planted already back then, something like 12 years ago. There were many confrontations, Jörg has been complaining to me about TK and TK complaining to me about Jörg. At a times it was a mess, although of course, it never would show outside to the fans. It is not my intention to disrespect TK and Jörg here. They are both fundamentally good guys. Things just sometimes happen and relationships go to directions we don't want them to go. It's like a divorce, nobody wants it to happen but sometimes it is best for all so everyone can continue their own lives. Plus I want to tell how things have been behind the curtains. You always only see the good side anyway, you don't really know what is going on.

Para los que no sepan ingles, lo que la carta dice principalmente es un agradecimiento a todos sus fans, y trata de medio explicar las razones de su desintegracion. Las peleas y quejas entre los miembros TK y Jorg se volvio insoportable al punto que decidieron mejor dejarlo hasta ahi. Aunque no sera de extrañarse que vuelvan a agitar sus largos cabellos de aqui a unos años.

Now playing: acdc - its a long way to the top265
via FoxyTunes


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