
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2008

Pearl Jam - Immagine in Cornice (DVD)

Aca una review de un DVD: I would surely have repent if wouldn't have bought this DVD. I'm not at all a lover of DVDs but that might have been cause they didn't have the quality of this release. Pearl Jam rocking to its full power, complimented with great behind the scenes, that helps us get the idea of what the band really is. I might have like that they could have played some of the older songs, since there are quite a group of their self-titled album. Im just expecting up for one of the best bands of the last decade. The musicians are amazing, and their show is incredible, worth every minute. ---------------- Now playing: Connecting... via FoxyTunes

Leticia de Oyuela

Cuando alguien muere, uno siempre se pone mas meditativo en cuanto a la vida. Más cuando esa persona es cercana. El dia de ayer, el telefono sono varias veces, para avisarnos sobre el estado de la señora Leticia de Oyuela, alrededor de las nueve de la noche sono el telefono, mi hermano contesto mientras yo miraba mi DVD de Pearl Jam, la cancion que sonaba fue para mi un presagio dela noticia que se iba a dar al colgarse el telefono. Mi hermano subio, y al sonar de las campanas de una iglesia Italiana, donde Eddie Vedder barria el suelo me informo la triste noticia,la historiadora y escritora Leticia Silva d Oyuela habia partido de este mundo. No hay ningun vinculo sanguineo, ni politico con este personaje, pero ella sin duda queria mucho a mi papa y a nuestra familia, y mi papa tambien. Ella fue como una madre, de ella agarro interes en sus campos de estudio y a traves de ella consiguio trabajos y conocio personas importantes. En mi caso, llegue a conocer a personas como Helen Umaña o ...

Estan Cerrando Blogs!!!!

Pues resulta que ahora que la industria de la musica, pende de un hilo para las grandes compañias disqueras, estas estan empezando a poner rifle en la batalla. Se hablo mucho sobre el cierre de oInk, una pagina de intercambio musical, ahora han decidido seguir, y por esto han cerrado dos de mis paginas mas frecuentadas, robinhoodofindiemusic.blogspot.com, que ahora es manejada por un portugues y que deja mucho que desear y tambien se cerro, la mega pagina, nodatta.blogspot.com. Estas son malas noticias, acompañadas por otras en el mundo del espectaculo (Lilly Allen perdio su bebe, y el bajista de Babasonicos recien acaba de fallecer.), pero los indie ya han tirado su campaña de contraataque, promoviendo a los fans de bandas que estan firmadas por disqueras grandes, a apoyar a estas bandas de otras maneras, como yendo a conciertos o comprandoles mercancia, ya que esta va directamente a ellos sin pasar por la disquera. Pues mientras espero porque regresen esas bandas, me gustaria postea...
Back in Black. Classic, but was it worth beign inmortalized? I personally think ACDC did a great job finding someon to supply lead vocals after the sudden death of Bon Scott, but I personally consider this album is not 5 stars. I am not a great fan, but i own the album and have heard it multiple times because the sound is indeed good. but a couple of days ago shuffling the songs on my iPod, a Back in Black song appeared, before the lyrics started I tought it was Giving the Dog the Bone, then I tought it was Let me Put my Love into You, but when Brian started singing I realized it was Have a Drink on Me. Truly until the music starts you realized what song it is you are hearing. Much of the choruses are the same with Brian Johnson screaming the title name and the other memebers doing backing vocals. Back in Black Revisited: Well although this is a revisit to this review, I've to say I still clinge to what is written above. The Reason, I have come back (in black, lol, get it?) is tha...

Pink Floyd - Division Bell

Otra review mas: "You were caught in the crossfire of Childhood and Stardom" This is kind of my situation about this album. By one side, critics claim this is not a good album, It has no Syd Barrett nor Roger Waters, but almost only David Gilmour. But on the other side, there are avid FLoyd fans (including a friend of mine who got me into Pink Floyd) say this is the mos underrated Pink Floyd album. As the "Shine on your Crazy Diamonds" quote above, I am caught between this two opinions. This is the last Floyd album and indeed there's no Roger Waters who, was the main cerebrum behind classic Floyd albums, but this album does remind of classic floyd in a "Meddle" and even "Wish you Were Here" way. And also, this album is a great improvement from the last, "A Momentary Lapse of Reason". I do miss Waters, though he gets subtlely mentioned in songs like "What do you want from me?" or "Poles Apart". So yes, this is a m...

Los Campesinos! - Hold on Now Youngster!

Pues ahora he empezado a escribir mis reviews en la escuela, lo cual me ha dado tiempo para mejorar la calidad d estas. Lo malo es que ahora las hare generalmente en Ingles: Los Campesinos! indeed surprised me when i first head "You! Me! Dancing!" and "We Throw Knives, You Throw Parties" and even with "The International Tweexcore Underground". What instantly grabbed your audiophile attention of this band, was their original indie sound which you can't compare to any else. Whomever produced them made them understand this unique sound was their highligh, too bad, they misunderstood the concept and kept the record quite similar throughout its running time. We might really be in front of the first and maybve biggest dissapointment of 2008 since this band had been proimising a lot on its non-lp releases. The pro's are, they kept their lyrics nice and clever, and even though their sound is similar, it still sounds fresh compared to other music in our sur...

Television Australiana

Ahora pienso estar un poco mas actual en cuanto a recomendaciones musicales. Aunque muchas joyas creadas en otras decadas, empezare con algo de este 2008, y despues pienso dar alguans recomendaciones sobre lo mejor del 2007. The Smashing Pumpkins - American Gothic EP Despues de reunirse y lanzar su disco que tuvo el titulo de "Album menos esenccial del 2007", Zeitgeist, Los Pumpkins, o mas bien lo que queda de ellos, sacan un EP acustico titulado American Gothic EP. Es un poco mas nostalgico, y mas al Pumpkins de los años de Mellon Collie, que a la banda que oimos en Zeitgeist. En particular a mi me gusto, echenle una oreja y comenten si quieren. Descargar Password: nodatta.blogspot.com 2. Los Campesinos! - Hold on now, Youngster! Entre las cosas para esperar de este año, inclui el primer disco de Los Campesinos!, su fecha era de febrero pero ya se leakeo en internet, no lo he oido asi q no lo puedo recomendar 100%, pero bajenlo y escuchenlo despues comentare yo mismo :) De...