Hey Feliz 2009 para todos. Este año promete grandes cosas y ojala mi blog siga creciendo. Me he ausento por vacaciones de las cuales les hablare en los proximos dias, aparte he quedado en decuda con las mejores canciones de 2008 y lo que se viene para este año.
Por ahora los dejare con este post que hice en la pagina jamsbio, un cuento inspirado o mas bien, adaptado de la cancion "for no one" de los Beatles y su album Revolver.

If life is a mysterious code hard to break, than love must be impossible. From ages and ages, men have managed to overcome massive primitive beasts, bone-chilling ice-ages and war and diseases. But somehow, women are still our greatest weakness.

One day, they are hugging each other, making plans on their future lives and telling each other how much they love and will ever do their significnat other. Everything smells and tastes good, but suddenly, evening arrives and the young couple is left with no other choice than to head home, lock up in their bedrooms and think about each other while falling asleep.

Then, as the Beatles explain, the day breaks for each one, and their reactions are way on oppossite ends. She wakes up, fixes her hair and her make-up and takes all the time in the world for she has got no reason to hurry. Him, on the other side, finds himself lying on the bed, with his heart breaking down trying to comprehend the idea that its over, and finding out that all the pretty things she once said, are of no need at all, when no longer wishes to see him.

But he wants her, he feels his skin trembling in desire of touching with her skin; he need her. With such a strong love one can't help but wonder, "how come he doesn't understand that; she no longer needs him...?".

In fact, by the time he is meditating in front of the bathroom mirror what he had done wrong, she is already set up for a day out. Her body perfumed with the latest lavender fragrance and her lips covered with the most turning on red glare. She meets with her friends at the shopping mall and during a snack at the local coffee shop, he is brought to the conversation when she explains to her friends she long ago new someone, but that now, he is gone.

After long hours of meditation while listening to his favorite Beatles record, he draws out a picture of him and her. His face, full of joy, clearly express the sincere feelings he has got for her. Her countenance, solid, in her eyes, he sees nothing. No sign of love whatsoever, while he is crying himself out, she is giving out a laugh with her companions.

Suddenly, all the things she said fill his head. He is now convinced life must go on, but deep in his heart, he won't forget her.


Iván ha dicho que…
Hola ya he visto tu comentrio me alegro, me alegrot ambien q te gusten los sims 2,
bueno feliz año 2009
visitare tu blog mas amenudo.
Iván ha dicho que…
Una cosa yo me quiero ahcer seguidor de tu blog peor n puedo por que tienes que poner un herramienta un gadget
de seguidores cuando lo tengas habiame y me hago seguidor de tu lbog y tu haz lo mismo
me has dich oque te ibas hacer y leugo n oestabas

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